18 January, 2020, Saturday : - This film was released in 2019. The film marks the debut of Shweta Rohira. It is a sensitive film with a delicate, yet powerful, handling of a heinous crime against women directed by Saurabh Pandey.The movie is very short and precise, it leaves a vigorous impact on the audience. They both delivered compelling performances, but Spotless wasn't an easy watch. In 2018, the movie was nominated for best director, best actor, best story in the film festival. The movie was
created in a few days, all credit goes to the enthusiastic actors and the director as well.
The director tries to give a message in a very direct way that
An individual should be proud and confident in every situation, whatever it takes. Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t,
pretend that you do and, at some point, you will.
-Venus Williams
An acid-attack survivor goes through a lot, several surgeries, impolite society, and people make sure that its the end of the world for them. The only positiveness they have is their family and friends, some make an audacious remark, some get frail. There is a scene where the actor gets deadly dreams and woke up with heavy breathing, that happens in real life too. The movie had relatable scenes, the audience can connect very easily.
The government has made strict rules for the publishers still they do such harsh things to even little girls. Section 326 A in the Indian Penal Code lays down the punishment for acid throwing. The minimum punishment is 10 years imprisonment. It can extend up to life imprisonment with a fine.